Like all religions, Christianity has its “Creed, Code, and Cult”; that is, its system of beliefs, moral conduct, and worship. But unlike all other religions, Christianity is entirely centered upon the unique person of Jesus Christ, who himself is our “Creed, Code, and Cult.” At the Last Supper, Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (Jn 14:6).
When we talk about our Creed – our belief – we are never just saying things “about” God, even though we have a beautiful summary of our faith in the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed, and extensive explanation of our faith in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our true “Creed” is a direct and intimate relationship with God himself, through Jesus Christ. We don’t just believe truths about God, the universe, and ourselves. We believe and trust and love the Truth itself. And the Truth is not just words in a book, even the most sacred words of the Bible. The Truth is a person, Jesus Christ: “I am the Truth!”
When we talk about our Code – our moral system that governs how we live – we are never just talking about rules that specify the correct way to live, even though we have a beautiful summary of our moral code in the Ten Commandments and extensive precepts throughout the Bible. Our true moral “Code” is a direct and intimate union with God himself through Jesus Christ. We don’t just follow a system of ‘right and wrong’ given to us by a wise teacher, we live his very life, just as the body lives the same life as the head. The Way is not just commandments carved in stone. The Way is a person, Jesus Christ: “I am the Way!”
And when we talk about our Cult – the system of worship by which we celebrate and live out what we believe – we are never just talking about beautiful rituals, prayers, traditions, and sacred music that provide fellowship and remembrance, and lift our minds and hearts to God. Our worship is a direct and immediate participation in the inner life of God himself, through Jesus Christ. Our worship, expressed through the seven-fold sacramental life of the Church, is a participation in the priestly activity of Jesus, which is a sharing in the life and love of the Godhead. The Sacraments are Life itself, eternal life. Our thanksgiving and celebration is a person, Jesus Christ: “I am the Life!”
No one else spoke this way, nor can anyone else speak in this way: “no one comes to the Father except through me. I am in the Father, and the Father is in me. He who has seen me has seen the Father” (Jn 14:6,9,10). God has truly revealed himself in Christ Jesus, in him God has become man.
As we hear these famous words of Jesus again this Easter Season, let us try to hear them new. They are unique and absolute. Christianity is entirely different from everything we imagine ordinary religion to be.